icon_widget_image ERGOTEM S.A. Headquarters & Factory 60 Loutsas Str. Industrial Area Mandra, 196 00, Attica, Greece icon_widget_image (+30) 210 5555835 +30 210 5557636 icon_widget_image [email protected]
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Environmental sustainability has become an increasingly important priority on Ergotem’s agenda. In this direction, Ergotem has undertaken numerous projects focusing on the protection of nature; resources, the promotion of renewable energy usage and the establishment with a major contribution in the Greek and global territory.

Ergotem grants a vast experience in providing full services including planning, designing and implementation of projects in the following fields:


  • Municipalities Waste Water Treatment Plants
  • Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants
  • Water Management Systems
  • Flue Gas Cleaning
    • NOx Reduction Systems
    • Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Systems
    • Dry Flue Gas Cleaning Systems
    • Dust Removal Systems

Municipalities Waste Treatment Plants

Ergotem has a leading position in the field of waste water treatment projects, executing large, complex and technologically advanced constructions in this field globally. The sole purpose of these projects is to upgrade the quality residents’ life, to restore the balance of the marine ecosystem and to contribute to the sustainable development of the areas.


Ergotem’s projects involve the design and construction of municipalities waste water treatment plants with biological and further tertiary treatment.


The company is also able provide operation and maintenance services to WWTP, including works for the improvement of the energy facilities management towards maximum possible increase of the plants energy self-sufficient rate.


Ergotem has executed one of the biggest projects in Greece, Thriasio Water Waste Treatment Plant of a total budget of subprojects of 67.8 million euros. The project is completed and operated successfully for the benefits of the region.


There are also several other similar projects undertaken in Greece and abroad as indicated below:

Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants

Ergotem offers industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants services including design and construction as well as networks.

Water Management Systems

Ergotem is highly positioned in the market of water management offering delivery and installation services of Municipal Companies and/or Industries for water supply. Our business model is oriented towards providing integrated solutions instead of selling individual industrial products.

Fuel Gas Cleaning

Ergotem is the right partner for challenging projects regarding the continuous improvement of technical solutions towards controlling emission limits of NOx, SOx and dust of industrial facilities. We have thorough experience in upgrading the existing systems regarding:


  • NOx Fuel Gas Desulphurization
  • Wet Fuel Gas Cleaning
  • Dust Removal

Ergotem as an EPC contactor undertook recently the main contracts for NOx reduction to PPC/SES Agios Dimitrios Units III and IV, for lignite fired boilers of 320 MW each.


Ergotem installed a new Low-NOx firing system and modified the existing systems and equipment in order the NOx emissions to be compliant with the requirements of EU Directive 2010/75/EU.


Ergotem as a nominated Subcontractor of a leading Engineering German company delivered new Low-NOx firing systems for other two major projects in Europe:


  • Rovinari Power Plant (Romania)
  • RWE/Weissweiller (Germany)

Ergotem as the subcontractor, installed for the new biggest Greek Power Plant Ptolemais V – 620 MV, the FGD Absorber and all related equipment for the new unit. The FGD Absorber made by cladded material with carbon steel base and Hastellon C-276 cladding. This consist the biggest and most sophisticated Absorber which is installed in a Greek power plant.

Ergotem as a main contractor, designed, fabricated and installed the main equipment for a new Dry Flue Gas Cleaning System for PPC/SES Agios Dimitrios Units III and IV. The main equipment incorporated in the project was for Unit III, the silo of 400 m3and for Unit IV silos of 2×400 m3 and 1×100 m3, including all civil works and instrumentations of the project.

Ergotem offers delivery, installation and commissioning services for dry Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) for reduction of dust emissions extension of fuel range and increase of operational flexibility. Dust removal systems are applied at:


  • Power Plants
  • Combined Heat and Power Plants
  • Cement Plants
  • FGD Plants
  • Metallurgical Industry
  • Incineration Plants


Ergotem, in a nominated subcontractor scheme, fabricated and installed the main EFPs for PPC/SES Megalopolis Unit III Plant, as well as other parts for the Greek lignite fired power stations.